There are legends about the mysterious handwriting of doctors. Most patients and people not connected with the medical field cannot make out what is written in a prescription, certificate, or medical history.
Read more: Translation of medical records: what to do if the text is illegible?
The loss of a loved one always leaves a large emotional mark. At the same time, relatives need to resolve a number of organizational, legal, administrative and personal issues, for which a Death Certificate is required.
Read more: Why and in which cases is it necessary to translate a Death Certificate?
We are all used to the fact that if we need to obtain a document from a government agency, we must appear in person. If we make a purchase of real estate, which we register in our name, we must be present at the time of the deed. Such situations have become commonplace for us.
Read more: Power of Attorney abroad: why can’t you do without translation?
Any person only needs a foreign passport to travel to another country. This is a universal document that confirms identity all over the world. It does not require translation, so it is enough to present it when passing immigration control, during flights, train trips, and hotel stays.
Read more: Where can a foreigner translate a passport in Kyiv?
Translation of economic documents is characterized by an abundance of specific words, terms, and the presence of formulas. In Kyiv Regional Translation Agency, translators who specialize in financial translations work with such materials. It is such a linguist who is able to accurately and competently translate the most complex texts.
Read more: Translation of bank documents: what do you need to know?
Today we can receive medical care in any country in the world. This is an invaluable opportunity for every person. Patients can contact highly specialized doctors, specialized clinics, rehabilitation centres. This opportunity allows you to receive qualified help from the best specialists in the world.
Read more: What to do if you need to translate a medical document with illegible handwriting?
If you live abroad, you may need a Divorce Certificate at some point. If you got married and then went through the divorce procedure in Ukraine, you have a document issued in Ukrainian. In another country, when presenting the certificate, you will need to provide a translation.
Read more: Why do you need a translation of a Divorce Certificate?
Legal translations differ significantly from the translation of ordinary texts. There are many specific terms that only a professional can understand. Therefore, in Kyiv Regional Translation Agency, translators with the appropriate specialization are engaged in the translation of legal documents.
Read more: 3 Common mistakes in translation of legal documents
Our Agency works not only with private clients, but also with organizations and companies. Therefore, we often translate financial and economic documents, including account statements, accounting reports, transaction documents, tax documents, certificates and other papers that contain a lot of financial information.
It is believed that more than a billion people speak English. This includes both those for whom it is their native language and those who consider English their second language. It is the official language in 67 countries of the world. English is one of the international languages of the world.
The need to translate a legal document can arise for any person. For example, if you are going abroad for permanent residence, you will need to translate your Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Diplomas, etc. These are all legal documents. If you run a business, work with foreign partners, you also need to communicate information of a legal nature to people who speak other languages. Translation of legal documents will come to your aid again.
Ukrainians abroad, when applying to state bodies, periodically need to provide various documents issued in their homeland to confirm certain facts. Among them is a Marriage Certificate. It confirms the fact of entering into a marriage union between two people.
The field of drug development and production has been gaining momentum in recent years. This is due both to the events that are happening in the world and to the development of medicine and science. The pandemic, which has affected all countries without exception, has seriously affected the entire industry.
The first thing you should start with is to clearly define the goals of your trip. Depending on them, you will need a different package of documents. For example, on vacation everyone takes a foreign passport, sometimes an internal passport or a Birth Certificate. In this case, there are no special requirements for documents. But if you are going for permanent or temporary residence, education or work, then a completely different approach is needed.
In terms of the quality of education, Canada is not inferior to European and American colleges and universities, while the cost of education is significantly lower than in other Western countries. That is why Ukrainians strive to get an education in Canada.
Read more: How can Ukrainians obtain an apostille for education documents for Canada?
Most Ukrainians understand that a good education is the start for a future career. That is why future students are considering the option of enrolling in foreign colleges and universities. One of these promising areas is getting an education in Canada.
Read more: Education in Canada: how to translate documents for admission to a university?
Millions of Ukrainians are now outside Ukraine. Regardless of their residence status, many have to interact with local government agencies on various issues. In these cases, Ukrainians are required to provide a number of documents that must be translated into the local state language.
Read more: Translation of documents for Ukrainians in Europe
Before receiving a passport, the Birth Certificate is the main document of the minor. At the same time, the Certificate remains an important document throughout your life. Therefore, it is important for every adult to have a Birth Certificate in their package of documents. Do not lose, do not laminate, make sure that there are no unnecessary marks or stamps.
Read more: How to restore a lost Birth Certificate in Ukraine?
To travel abroad, it is enough to have a foreign passport. But, if you are traveling to another country not for tourism purposes, then most likely you will need other documents: Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Diploma, Power of Attorney, certificates, etc. But in order to use them abroad, you need to go through the legalization procedure or put an apostille to confirm authenticity.
Read more: Do you know that now Ukrainians can use an apostille for documents for Canada?
Most countries require foreigners to provide a certificate confirming that the person does not have serious illnesses. Often such documents are requested when a citizen arrives for education, work or permanent residence.
Read more: Where can I get an apostille for a medical certificate?
Today's schoolchildren have the opportunity to continue their education in foreign educational institutions. You can enrol in many European colleges and universities for free. At the same time, each future student needs to collect a package of documents, including a certificate of secondary education.
Read more: Documents for studying abroad: apostille for school certificate
Most people cannot easily perceive information in English, despite its international status. Even if a person studied English in educational institutions, it is still much more pleasant and easier for him/her to read text in his/her native language.
The name itself speaks for itself. Documents need to be translated urgently, translation is needed today. This service is usually provided throughout the day. It all depends on the number and volume of documents. If you need to translate 1 document, the translation can be received in 1 hour. Several documents – it will take longer.
Read more: Urgent translation of documents: what do you need to know about it?
The first thing you need to know is that this kind of translation has its own specifics. Not all translators can work with a medical text. Excellent knowledge of the language and even a translator’s diploma do not guarantee high-quality translation services for specialized texts.
Read more: How to choose a translator for medical documents?
Even at the planning stage of developing a mobile application, it is important to consider which countries’ residents will use it. Even if you want to first launch your service in one country, and only then expand the geography of your activities, you should still think through all language versions in advance.
Read more: What languages should a mobile application be translated into?
If you have never applied for the services of translators, then you will definitely have a question: whom to contact? What is the difference between the work of an agency and a specialist who works for himself/herself?
Now, according to various estimates, there are about 1 million Ukrainians in Poland. Among them are many families with school-age children. Therefore, for many it becomes relevant to receive further education in Poland.
Read more: What do Ukrainians need to know to enter a university in Poland?
Any foreign documents must be translated in order to use them in another country. This is done both by foreigners in Ukraine and by our citizens who have gone abroad. It is important to know that the translation itself has no legal force. In order for the translation to be considered legitimate, it must be certified.
Read more: What is the best way to certify a translation: with a seal of a bureau or a notary?
Previously, when talking about interpretation, we all imagined the work of an interpreter in an office where international partners meet, at large conferences or seminars. But today, modern technologies allow people in different parts of the world to communicate. At the same time, the physical presence of all parties in one place is optional, including the interpreter.
One of the most popular languages for translation in our agency is German. We are often contacted by clients who are going to travel to Germany, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland. And for this they need to prepare documents - translate into the state German language, notarize, put an apostille.
Kyiv Regional Translation Agency works with both Ukrainians and foreign citizens. At the same time, we are ready to provide services regardless of where you are now. Our translation centre in Kyiv has an office in the city centre - next to the metro station Maidan Nezalezhnosti: 7/1 Taras Shevchenko lane, Kyiv city.
If you are going abroad not for tourism purposes, then sooner or later you will need your documents: birth certificate, marriage certificate, education documents, etc. If you need them to be accepted in another state, at first, you must go through the legalization procedure.
Kyiv Regional Translation Agency helps clients to get duplicates of personal documents. It happens that the birth certificate may be lost, but it is needed to process other documents. In this case, it is important to get a copy that will be legally binding.
Each of us has faced the situation that certain documents need to be issued within a specific timeframe. Or dealt with certificates that expire within a few months. That is why you may have a question: how long is an apostille valid?
Read more: What you need to know about the validity period of an apostille?
Kyiv Regional Translation Agency provides services for the translation of documents from Ukrainian into Armenian, from Armenian into Ukrainian. We work with texts of any complexity, including specialized translations: legal, technical, economic, medical. Translations into other languages are possible, please, check with managers.
All business owners know how important it is that all information in documents, business correspondence, on the website is true. Each sentence must be clearly checked and not carry a double interpretation.
Read more: Why does a business need the services of a translation agency?
Today, the borders between states are being erased not only for tourists, but also for businesses, organizations and enterprises. This is a big plus, but at the same time there is a need for the correct execution and translation of commercial documents. These are not only legal texts, but also financial documents that contain graphs, tables, diagrams and highly specialized terms. To translate such texts, you need not just a good knowledge of the language, but the skills of a professional translator.
Read more: What do you need to know about the translation of commercial documents?
Kyiv Regional Translation Agency will help you to translate documents into English and other languages of the world. Whether you need a translation for personal or business purposes, our team will help you. We will make an official translation of documents, thanks to which you can use them in public and private institutions around the world.
Kyiv Regional Translation Agency has extensive experience in translating personal documents, including passport translations, birth certificates and other documents. A passport is one of the most important documents required in various situations, including traveling abroad, obtaining a visa, business activities and employment. Therefore, the translation of passports is one of the most popular services in our office.